iCHarger 308 DUO


iCharger 308 DUO - the iCharger 4010's little brother! •High-power charger providing 30 amps on each of two channels - or combine the two outputs in parallel for up to 50 amp charge rates! •Includes a free JST-XH balance board for each channel! Specifications: •Input voltage range: 10-30V DC •Input current limit: Total = 60A, Ch1/2 = 40A •Maximum charge power: 1300W @ >23.5V (800W max. per channel) •Charge current range: 0.05-30.0A per channel, or up to 50A in synchronous mode •Discharge power: 80W per channel, or up to 120W in synchronous mode •Maximum regenerative discharge: 800W per channel, or up to 1300W in synchronous mode •Maximum external discharge: 1050W per channel, or up to 2100W in synchronous mode •Current drain for balancing: 1.2A per channel, or up to 2.4A in synchronous mode •USB charging port: 5V/1A current limiting protection 1.2A •Balance accuracy: 10mV •LiPo/LiIo/LiFe: 1-8 series per channel •NiCd/NiMH battery cell count: 1-25 series per channel •Pb battery cell count: 1-18 series per channel •PC Connectivity: USB port •Weight: 910g •Dimensions (LxWxD): 171x118x59 mm •Warranty: 1 year
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